THE OBSERVATORY is my study of the Bible, sharing my thoughts on many different topics as they come into focus while going through its pages from Genesis to Revelation. I claim no distinction nor connection to any particular theological basis. There are no letters behind my name, and no associations to mention, other than my personal relationship with my Creator (THE ONE AND ONLY ALMIGHTY GOD) and HIS Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit of honest direction [THE TRIUNE GODHEAD WHO acknowledge me as their CREATED son (John 1:13) -some 50+ years in the making, PBPGIFWMY , "pert near", maybe]. My thoughts are more of a "thinking out loud" as I have meditated with my Heavenly Father, so this is just what has come to my heart and mind while searching for understandings in time's and life's most truthful and valid expression of Guidance (the Bible) while passing through this world on to my Heavenly reward.  Heaven- is that arrive in that eternal place where I will behold my Saviour face to face - bound in eternity's destiny as a child of GOD from the very beginning!

​  [7/23/2013---Listening to the Gaither Vocal Band- Reunited on YouTube, I have to insert this quick heart-felt appeal.]
​HEAVEN- that's the place for me ​​when I roam on off this world's path-what a day of rejoicing that will be!
Do you have anyone over up there?​  Listen- if you know someone Mom and Dad, and just recently (5/7/2013)​​, my sister- they're there...your acquaintance, whoever that may be- they are beckoning, they are pleading, they are welcoming, they are waiting​ for you...Jesus Christ, your GOOD SHEPHERD and mine who died for you and me, washed away ALL your sins and mine, redeemed you and me to come up into Heaven to be your Friend and mine forevermore, He is holding out His arms wide (as when He surrendered to give His life for you and me on that cross we attribute to and focus ​​on at Easter) He is yelling HELLOOOO...HELLNOOOO...HI LO!...HALO!...BEHOLD YOUR  ​REWARD... COME MY FRIEND, COME!!!  All those you know there are waiting to greet you, too...don't turn downward...LOOK UP FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!!!  Talk sincerely to Jesus Christ and ask Him to come into your life as your personal guide and guard along this journey of life.  From the very beginning of time and eternity, it has always been in God's plan to bring you along, and every human being, into sweet fellowship and friendship as loved citizens of HIS kingdom- Heaven.  You can be a part of this life, as can whosoever will- but eternal damnation, sorrow, torture, and pain is for any who reject to come into a saving knowledge and practice of living a Christian life.  If you have an urging to let Jesus Christ into your life, please let me or any Christian you may know that you want to be lead into a new life in the presence of Jesus Christ!

I'd like to start this Bible study with a chronological review in the order as the events come along. The Bible is a historic record of humanity as devinely revealed through a compacted library of sixty-six books. From mankind's creation to our final destiny, this Book is not only a roadmap for that journey, but also a guidebook of making the journey with specific directions. With so many different versions of the Bible these days, there tends to be some slackness, or diversity in these directions. In the next topic, I'll try to emphasize the importance of a valid Bible based on one single word, which has been deleted from most modern versions, but is so very significant by which the whole Truth of God's word deepens! So, for our starting point here, I thought it would be good to start with...

There are two significant "beginnings" in the Bible.
​Mentioned in the first book of the Bible, ​Genesis 1:1 reads (in the KJV),  "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."
Later on, John 1:1 reads, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Two beginnings- how are they different? Which came first? How are they significant in today's time-line?

​Gen. 1:1- "In the beginning [of TIME], God created...
John 1:1- "In the beginning [of ETERNITY] was the Word...

​Time is a measurement within eternity. One's birthday is a yearly measurement within a 365 day period. Eternity is an endless span with no beginning, and within it, time measures a beginning and an end toward many, many applications. Since eternity has been, is and will always be forever, time is a more relative concept that our finite minds can comprehend. Consider: to base the theory of evolution on the element of time, which we can comprehend, rather than on eternity, gives a basis on which to build that theory. For anyone to try to pinpoint (or even at best, to estimate) a particular occassion or activity to a specific, accurate, absolute measurement can only conclude that that is only one's belief, rather than any event actually happening according to that theory.

For mankind to try to understand, or comprehend eternity would be like trying to drain the water out of the earth's oceans to irrigate and saturate the earth using a thimble to accomplish the task! But to devise a basis on which to elude the actual truth about time, and deploy a demeaning concept of the insignificance of mankind and our relation to a Supreme Being, the theory of evolution and basis for humanism therefore placates the elusion of GOD and our need for HIM. 
to be continued
Exploring a Bible of Antiquity- not as an obsolete, archaic manuscript where Truth has somehow expired and been antiquated to aboriginal non-relevance at the whims of delusioned "scholars"; but as a treasure of Christian heritage to be uncovered anew as an inheritance, a customized, appropriate, LIVING, timely, manual with intrinsic value, and absolutely essential directions, and essentially absolute relativity! The KING JAMES BIBLE OF 1611, notice that historic year, is only about 400 years old. It is a record that tells of historic events that happened 1600 to 4400 years prior to its publication! It is a "Hubble Telescope" reaching and grasping into the future with astounding precision, albeit with quite a mystique about it. It is a library that depicts people, places, and principles of Christianity from a time of the past closer to the actual events and original renderings by persons of the 17th century whose insights were, seemingly, less commercially influenced than those of modern day conception. Although I am very aware that the more recent findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other archeological artifacts lend further insight into interpreting bibles with possibly better axactness of concise wording, I still contend that until I see the actual, hand-written parchments of scrolls that the contributors penned themselves- I resolve with infinite trust that the revelation to me of my studies is finitely acceptable! In other words, with the capability I possess between my ears to think, as any other human being does, whether indoctrinated by seminary teachings, or just influenced by peers, I seek the golden thread of truth throughout this resource of human history and the heavenly teachings contained within its pages, FROM THE SAME SOURCE WHOM SPENT TIME WITH S/PAUL AS DEDUCED IN GALATIONS 1: 17-18. I AM NOT DEFENDING THE KJV BIBLE AS THE ONLY REVELATION OF TRUTH, FOR I DO SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (ACTS 17: 11) MANY OF THE OTHERS, BUT I DO DEFEND THE KJV AS THE BEST, AUTHENTIC RESOURCE OF TRUTH IN PUBLICATION TODAY. IT WAS AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLICATION BY KING JAMES IN THAT TIME. ITS TRUTH, ITS MESSAGE- THE FULL GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST -IS AUTHORIZED BY THE CENTURIES OF HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRATION FOR MANKIND TO SEEK SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST; FOR MANKIND TO JOURNEY ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW DIRECTION TOWARD GOD; AND BY WHICH MANY MILLIONS SINCE THAT DAY HAVE BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD, HEIRS OF GOD, AND JOINT HEIRS WITH JESUS CHRIST. MANY MODERN VERSIONS PROMOTE, ACTUALLY CHANGE THAT DIRECTION TO A BROAD AND CROOKED WAY OF PROMISCUITY (MY DAD WOULD REFER TO THEM AS PERVERSIONS, WHICH NOW CAUSES ME TO SMILE FROM THAT MEMORY). BUT, JUST AS NO TRANSLATION, VERSION, OR RENDITION IS "THE AUTHENTIC, ORIGINAL PROTOTYPE", NEITHER DO I EXCLAIM OR PROCLAIM A FINAL CONCLUSION OF MY LEARNING, I REMAIN OPEN TO OBSERVE. NOT in any way to promote, endorse, or advocate, nor condone ecumenical, or catholical cultures, religions, denominations, cults, beliefs or non-beliefs, of compromising or being haphazard in ways of diverging GOD's salvation for immediate and everlasting redemption into a personal relationship with our Creator, Jesus Christ; there is no other earthly name, no matter how holied or pontificated or hallowed or reverenced (Acts 4: 12)- (gasp for air) but by whatever means the Holy Spirit can equip one to make it "to the shores of Heaven" (Acts 27: 44, GN4MM), where TRUE BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIANS will see our Saviour face to face, I do agree with all Christians that their means of Invitation to accept Jesus Christ into their life is a "welcome to the family" in my heart! And you I shall love, defend, and esteem higher than myself! The very original texts of Scripture were expressed to their respective correspondants by Holy Spirit-inspired communication (I Tim. 3: 16)according to the relevance of their particular character and involvements. As they penned down the words, in that inspiration of influence and impression, the whole manifestation of this document, which IS originally and forever established/settled in Heaven (Ps. 119: 89) - for Jesus Christ is that very LIVING WORD (Rev. 19:13), was revealed to mankind. The original texts have, since those authentic "prototypes", been revised and devised in many different concepts with the humanistic coloring of ordinary people. King James's Version of the Bible had that book dedicated to him by the team of translators, and because of his authorization to produce and publish the text of that time-frame, we have been so blessed with such a wonderfully preserved treasure that endures with us today. It is from this inheritance that I base my studies, as well as my Christian life!

Exploring a Bible of Antiquity